About the Journal

The teaching and research journal in administration and engineering - REPAE, aims to promote and disseminate studies in the areas of teaching and research, in administration and engineering.

REPAE is conceived through multidisciplinary discussions that encompass social, environmental, technological and sustainable issues, connected to these areas of knowledge.

The art of teaching and research in the fields of administration and engineering has long walked together, promoting and discussing discoveries in these two fields of science, whether theoretical or practical.

This multidisciplinary journal also has the challenge of disseminating national and international studies and research related to the areas of administration and engineering, thus contributing to the development and dissemination of research related to these areas of knowledge.

REPAE is a bilingual, quarterly international electronic publication. (from 2021)

Publication of Number 1: April, Publication of Number 2: August. Publication of Number 3: December of each year. Other publications are considered extraordinary.

REPAE magazine is a free electronic publication.

ISSN: 2447-6129


Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Vol 10 no.1 2024
View All Issues

1. Política de avaliação

Os artigos submetido à REPAE serão encaminhados para dois avaliadores (double blind review), garantindo sigilo e anonimato tanto do(s) autor(es) quanto dos pareceristas. Os julgadores irão analisar a originalidade do assunto, a contribuição para a área, o tratamento apresentado, a clareza da redação e a normalização das citações e referências bibliográficas. Caso um dos pareceres seja positivo (com ou sem modificações) e outro seja negativo, a Revista recorrerá a um terceiro avaliador para solucionar o impasse. Somente serão publicados os artigos aprovados por pelo menos dois pareceristas.

1.1 Review policy

The articles submitted to REPAEwill be sent to two reviewers (double blind review), guaranteeing secrecy and anonymity both of the author (s) and of the referees. The judges will analyze the originality of the subject, the contribution to the area, the presented treatment, the clarity of the essay and the normalization of the citations and bibliographical references. If one of the opinions is positive (with or without modifications) and another is negative, the Journal will use a third evaluator to solve the deadlock. Only articles approved by at least two reviewers will be published.


2.Os avaliadores informam os pontos fortes e fracos do paper submetido, fornecendo informações tanto aos autores como para o editor.

2.1 Reviewers inform and give feedbacks, to authors as well as editor, regarding weeknes and strengths of papers being submitted.



3. Processos de avaliação estimados e tempo de publicação:

O processo de avaliação gira em torno de no máximo 3 meses e o tempo de publicação em média 4 meses por edição.

3.1 Reviewing a Publication estimate time:

There viewing process regularly takes at most 3 months and time for publication about 4 months each time.



4. Dia de publicação dos fascículos

Publicação do número 1: Abril, Publicação do Número 2: Agosto. Publicação do Número 3: Dezembro de cada ano. Outras publicações são consideradas extraordinárias.


4.1 Dates of publication of the issues:

For regular issues on the first day of March and November. Other dates may be considered for special issues.


5.Formato disponíveis dos papers:

Os artigos estão disponibilizados para download em formato PDF

5.1 Format of papers avaliable:

 All the papers are open source and avaliable on PDF Format.  


Avaliação Qualis:






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